I wasn’t perfect you knew from the start, But now someone else has your heart
You call it love, I call it hate. In two weeks you screwed me secretly as a snake.
Such a disappointment you are to me, such a disappointment you are to me
You stabbed me in the back and left me to die
You said you still loved me, but that was the beginning of the lie
Such a disappointment you are to me, such a disappointment you are to me
The whole world may know what I felt, it hurts like hell, for sure I can tell
You showed me the cruelty of how love can be
Treat me like a stranger, treat me like a ghost
I respected you as a wonderful woman
But you turned and became the dark side of me
Such a disappointment you are to me, such a disappointment you are to me
I know I’ve made mistakes, I caused you pain
But the pain you caused is the biggest mistake you’ve made
Still I will cherish our moments, our love, and our purity
One day you wake up and then you’ll know, you’ll know what I meant
You’ll know, you’ll know
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