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Every day I feel like dying

I feel suicidal but I don't want to die
I just want to close my eyes and feel alright
All day, all night

I feel like I don't deserve life at all
I feel alone and depressed
Nobody cares about me
I never get a call

My brain fucks with me all day
Your not good enough
You better die
But it also tells me I can't go away

I want to be happy again
I want to be me
I don't want to feel pain all day
I want to laugh like I did before

People keep telling me to smile
And that life goes on no matter what
But to me that is the saddest part
I can't smile I'm just depressed and want to die

All day I wear a mask
For the outside world I'm happy
But inside I'm dying
I'm scared to stay alive

I'm scared every fucking day
I can't be me
I'm not accepted for who I really am
And I fucking don't feel okay

The world is killing me
It's getting me down
I feel like I'm never gonna be happy again
I can't live here in this town

My arms are covered with scars
I want to kill myself
But I'm too scared
I'm scared of life itself

Now I'm writing this with tears in my eyes
I need to go to sleep
But I can't sleep because of my pain
My heart hurts which isn't a surprise

I'm going to cry myself to sleep
And see what happens tomorrow
Cause no matter how hard I struggle....
I'm fine.... Cause as long as I'm smiling :):
I'm okay... Right?

Ingezonden door Jayden

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