Een gedicht plaatsen?

Give me a chance

I looked at you,
I didnÂ’t see.
I talked to you,
I didnÂ’t know.

Even when we spoke to each other,
Even when it was the day after.
Even when it was so funny,
Even when I thought it wasnÂ’t something.

You looked at me,
Maybe you did see.
You talked to me,
Maybe you did know.

Now, when I think of you,
Now, when I need you.
Now, when I miss you,
Now, when I canÂ’t forget you.

Just thinking about the day we met,
Just thinking how cute you are.
Just thinking you have that beautiful smile,
Just thinking it will might be too late.

I looked at you,
I didnÂ’t see.
I looked at you,
I didnÂ’t know.

Could you still give me a chance?

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