I look at the clouds
and see the heaven above
rain falls down on me
ther flies my only true love
My true love is now returning
from her little journey in a foreign country
my heart is still burning
in flames off all the chemistry
And even she's so far away now
I feel her heartbeat next to mine
her skin so soft and warm
that's gives me a feeling so fine
Only true love can answer all questions
questions about feelings and emotions
the answers are'nt always truethfull
but full of passion and devotion.
My true love is allmost home
maybe I'll hear her today,maybe tomorrow,
but my heart goes faster and faster,
I can see her reflection in my window
Untill the end off times,
I'll hear her soft voice wispers in my head
"I'll be home soon my love"
that is truely what se said.
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