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Moonchild you're beautiful,
moonchild you're good for me,
You child you're my dream tonight
about things those only we can see.

I met you yesterday night,
when I looked at the sky to the moon..
I saw you, as a twinkling for my eyes,
and I was sleeping so soon.

You gived me back my night's rest,
I'm so lucky to met you child of moon,
I hope you're there tonight,
so I can see you again, soon.

Moonchild you're beautiful,
moonchild you're good for me,
You child you're my dream tonight
about things those only we can see.

I hope I dream again tonight,
and you'll be there in the mean time,
at 12 o'clock I see you again,
Till then I will be fine.

Moonchild you're beautiful,
moonchild you're good for me,
You child you're my dream tonight
when I only you can see.

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