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You brought me to this world
You guide me to reach my dreams
You are there when I needed you
Mother, thanks for my existence

I have to spread my wings
I left you behind for so long
I didnt think you will get ill
I thought you will live forever
Mother, I am not ready to let you go

That morning, I never forget
When sad news came to my ears
My foot off the ground
My heart creid out
Mother, where did you go?

I wish, I could turn back the time
I missed your warm embraces
I missed your kisses saying good night
I missed your soft voice,
Telling me it will be alright
Mother, I missed you so much

From here is the end of the road
No way, no chance to tell you
How wonderful you are
Please hear me this ,
Where ever you are
Mother, thank you and i love you

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