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My Alice, our Wonderland

She was my love and only seventeen
An experienced psychonauts concubine
"Let us take a trip to wonderland"
Alice and her consort prepared the way

"Let's take a trip around the world
See where our dreams are found!
Hear all the colors and see the cold
Discover all the mysteries yet untold"

Stand still, let your soul do the walking
Lay yourself and let alice do the talking
And ride the lysergic river to wonderland
Where your ego will make it's last stand

Let me show you what our souls look like
Describe the color of a whispering breeze
Take you to meet the queen of hearts
Make you remember where the universe is found

An astral journey without moving
To experience the magic, once in a lifetime
And look back to the magical world
Love the magic, the mystery, forevermore

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