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Spread your wings

Wandering through The Dark Woods
Lost in the rays of light from the moon
Thinking about the past and the pain
But knowing it will be my time soon

Deep inside there is a battle
I won't surrender, I will fight
And victory will be mine
My light shall shine tonight

When you see me again, remember
Black clouds surrounding me
Hiding everything I am, a secret
Now take a look and see

I am reborn
I am who I am
calling your name, I take your hand
Spread my angel-like wingsv And we surrender to the wind
Let's fly to an unknown land

Free like the birds in the sky
Shining like the light from the sun and the moon
Flowing like the water in the rivers and seas
Softly playing in the wind like snow
Burning like the fire in the dark night
Growing higher and highter, like the ancient trees

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