I thought i could love you for a life time. I always pictured myself to be your wife.
Knowing we would be forever made me happy. I didn't know that it wouldn't be as i thought it would be.
Now i know nothing but the memories are breaking my heart and the tears come easily. I want to forget it but you keep reminding me.
You make me sad by raising your voice.
I would look at you in silence thinking what is my choise.
You make me sad when you say i need to shut up.
I would look at you in silence thinking i need to break up.
You make me sad when you walk away when we argue.
I would look at you in silence thinking what am i supposed to do.
When there are people around us you look like you treat me so well. If the people only knew that i am doing so bad. I am hearing i am lucky to still have you. What they dont know is you are lucky i forgave you. I would scream at you in public that you dont treat me that way. That when we are together you are not the same.
If you really cared about us as your little family, you would call to say hi. But you dont even bother, so why should i.
If you really cared about us as your little family, you would call to say hello. But you dont even bother, so i wanna close this door.
If you really cared about us as your little family, you would call to see how we are. But you dont even bother, and now its tearing me apart.
If you really cared about us as your little family, you would call to see.. no there is no reason to call us, cause thats the natural thing to do when you love your family.
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